
Study at SVF

The academic year starts in the later part of August and ends in late May. The minimum age of admission is 18, and you can find students at SVF of almost any age; however, the majority of students are in their early twenties. Students come from Jönköping as well as from the rest of Sweden. The Swedish students mainly finance their studies with study loans and grants from the Swedish government.

One of Svf’s program, the College Program, is given in co-operation with North Park University, Chicago.

Up to 50% of the students stay in one of the four campus dormitories and take three meals a day in the cafeteria.

In addition to the classes and individual studies, students are engaged in sport activities, the Christian Student Association’s activities or in other formal or informal activities.

Most of our students have a great time at Svf. There are many reasons to that, not at least a high academic standard, the nearness to almost everything (literally to premises and figuratively to people), a strong community spirit, the international influences etc.

Sidan uppdaterad 16 april, 2024