
The Programs

Six different programs are offered at Svf:

The General Curriculum

One third of the students at Svf attend this program. It is equivalent to a community college most of the students are between 18 and 30 years. The program provides a second chance for those whose studies have been interrupted. Most major subjects are studied under a period of 1-3 years, depending on the student’s individual needs and study background.

The Bible Program

The Bible program is divided into three parts: one year long course, one semester long course and one year of distance studies combined with internship in a congregation in the Uniting Church in Sweden. The curriculum focuses on studies of the Old and New Testament.

The College Program

Since 1976, this program has exchanged students with North Park University (NPU) in Chicago, USA. The fall semester is spent at Svf and the spring at NPU. The aim is to enhance the students’ language skills and their understanding of cultural differences. You can find more information about this program on the NPU website.

The Film and Media Production Program

A one year program where you specialize in film, lighting, film editing, sound editing/design and animation. You will also learn how to write a shot list och synopsis, pitch ideas and scripts.

The Public Relations and Advertising Program

The students are trained to use all modern computer based systems to convey information, to understand how the functions of media society and how to create printed matters and ads. The program spans two years and includes integrated trainee periods.

The Journalism Program

A program with education in journalism with classes in both radio, television and printed journalism. It’s a two year program and offers, among other things, a longer trainee period.

The Music Program

One or two years of training musical skills, both instrument  and music theory. The choir has an important role in the education, and has made concert tours in Sweden as well as abroad, mainly to the USA.

Sidan uppdaterad 9 december, 2024